Car mostly covered in light snow. Customer requested the Five Star Detail to get his car ready for the spring.

The car looking showroom-worthy after being washed, clay-barred, waxed and applied with 3 coats of paint sealant.

Coming from a 3-day camping trip, the customer wanted to get the Ultra Detail to ake sure that all the dirt is removed on the inside of his car.

Exterior was waxed and polished and all the traces of the camping trip is now gone on the inside of the customer's car.

The exterior of the customer's car was looking a little dull so he decided to get the Ultra Exterior-Only service.

The end result after almost 2 hours of work - the car is looking shinier and more vibrant than ever.

Requiring only a quick vacuum and wipe down of his car, the customer opted to get the Express Exterior-Only Detail.

Customer's car is now tidy and dust-free with the dashboard and seats thoroughly vacuumed and cleaned.